Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mrs. Stewart { 80th Birthday }

Mrs. Stewart is a hoot. Sassy, quick, smart and lovable. She is the mom of my dearest, oldest friend, Laurie. (Laurie and I met when I was in 5th grade and she was in 4th.) I was raised to call our elders Mr. or Mrs. so it's hard to call Mrs. Stewart by her first name - Maxine. Anyways, Laurie and her sisters threw Maxine an 80th birthday party where everyone in their family attended. It was great! There was laughter and crying as they all recalled stories. I feel lucky to have been a part of the celebration. Here are a few snapshots.
Maxine at 80.
Here's my friend, Laurie with her mom.
Maxine with all her daughters: Carrie, Shanna, Laurie and Tracy.

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