Thursday, December 2, 2010

Thanksgiving Day {Hixson Gathering}

Thanksgiving Day was beautiful. Brian and I drove down to his sister's were all the Hixsons were gathering. It's been a few years since we all met at Karen's and I found it sorta special. Being at Karen's reminded me of (Brian's) Mom and Dad and that felt nice. I could picture Mom playing the piano and Dad relaxing on a chair in the den. Good times. Good times. After dinner, we went to the backyard where I took a few snapshots.

Group shot l t0 r top: Rachel, Andrew, Bob, Richard, Brian and me.
Bottom row: Melissa and Karen
Setting the timer on the camera, I ran to be in the picture. Didn't quite make in this shot but I like it anyways. :)

Here's Andrew and Rachel. I like this snapshot.

Emily and Billy were able to stop by for a bit but had to leave before the group shot was taken. Here's a favorite shot of them.

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