My very handsome nephew, Stephen, will be graduating from Options for Youth in January. Yay! So, it was time to get some senior portraits done! I had a great time taking his snaps and if I may say so myself, they came out GREAT! :) Here are a few of my favorites.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Merry Christmas!
We had a wonderful time with our families over Christmas weekend. On Christmas Eve, we had all of Brian's family over. What a houseful! On Christmas day, we spent the morning with the girls opening loads of gifts and then off we go to Grandma's house to be with my family. Oh what fun!!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Mission Inn { with two of my favorite people }
Last night, my niece Angie, my mom and I went to see the lights at the Mission Inn in Riverside. This was the first time my mom has seen them! We had such a nice time walking around looking at all the decorations and the lights! And I'm talking about a billion lights! Here are a few of my favorite snaps.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011 { fun family snaps }
We had a wonderful time with Brian's family for Thanksgiving lunch. We all met up at Karen and Richard's in Rialto. The food was!! The only bad thing about eating turkey dinner at someone else's house is that, you do NOT have leftovers!! Boooo. ;) Right after lunch, I took my family outside for some snaps. (Karen and Richard's backyard is LOVELY.) Setting my camera on a tripod and setting the timer, I took the following snaps.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Leaves { I love fall colors }
Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the cool weather and the sound of football on the t.v. But most of all, I love when the leaves turn colors. Here are a few snaps taken this week.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Halloween 2011 { + fun }
I love passing out Halloween candy! Love to see the kids all dressed up and having fun. I decided to take a few snaps of the neighbor kids and made a collage.

Sunday, October 23, 2011
A Beautiful Day for a Ride { Jeep trip }
Yesterday, Brian and I had a great time Jeeping with the Mlakars and Andersons. It's been awhile since we did some Jeeping and it was a be-u-ti-ful day for one! We started our trip on Hwy 38 and at Angeles Oaks, we headed north toward Big Bear riding along Clark's grade (1N54). Oh my goodness! What views! Taking along my point and shoot, here are a few snaps.
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